Friday, October 19, 2012

Talk is Cheap

Beberapa hari yang lalu muncul sebuah kabar kurang enak mengenai sound engineer kami, Yoga Raditya (@yogaraditya). Tepatnya pada Selasa (16/10) dimana melalui Twitter, dua orang yang mengatasnamakan sebuah band menuduh Yoga melakukan sabotase terhadap mixer ketika band yang bersangkutan manggung di Jakarta International Blues Festival tanggal 13 Oktober lalu. Bahkan mereka juga mewanti-wanti kolega mereka untuk berhati-hati bila ingin memakai jasa Yoga - kalau perlu memblacklistnya.

Kami sudah bicara dengan yang bersangkutan. Intinya, dia mengaku pada event tersebut dia langsung pulang setelah tugasnya selesai dan kami percaya. Yoga bukan tipe orang yang suka membuat masalah, apalagi menyabotase band yang sedang manggung. Justru tuduhan dua oknum dari band tersebut yang mencurigakan menurut sudut pandang kami.

Pertama, event ketika insiden itu terjadi berlangsung hari Sabtu, tanggal 13 Oktober tapi pihak penuduh baru ribut kebakaran jenggot di sosial media pada 16 Oktober di hari Selasa. Ada apa ini?

Untuk menguatkan tuduhan di Twitter, kedua penuduh membawa beberapa “saksi” dari pihak mereka, but then again, talk is cheap. Semua orang bisa bicara sembarangan di Twitter. Satu orang saksi mengaku mempunyai rekaman ketika Yoga melakukan sabotase, tapi lagi-lagi cuma sebatas kicauan di Twitter tanpa bukti. Ketika dikonfrontasi, sang "saksi" cuma diam dan menghindar.

Dua pihak penuduh telah coba dihubungi untuk klarifikasi. Hasilnya? Sama sekali tidak ada itikad untuk bicara baik-baik. Satu orang malah hanya mengaku “Salah sambung”.

Selama belum ada bukti kongkrit yang bisa diakses for all people to see, kami tetap menganggap Yoga tidak bersalah dan segala tuduhan tersebut adalah fitnah.

Namun terlepas dari Yoga bersalah atau tidak, inikah cara orang-orang yang tergabung di "band besar" memperlakukan koleganya? Menjatuhkan tuduhan kepadanya ke arena sosial media tanpa memberi kesempatan membela diri, karena toh tuduhan tersebut akan ditelan bulat-bulat oleh follower mereka tanpa berpikir dua kali? Dengan sadar mencoba memotong rezeki rekan yang sama-sama cari makan di dunia musik?

Yoga Raditya is not only a damn good sound engineer but also a sweet human being, and we can guarantee that. Kami sedih mendengar tuduhan yang dialamatkan kepada dia dan berharap hal ini tidak akan berpengaruh besar pada karirnya yang masih panjang. Untuk para penuduh dan para “saksi”, apapun motif dibalik aksi kalian kami hanya bisa berkomentar, with no evidence, talk is cheap and so are you.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Setelah sekitar empat tahun tidak mengeluarkan album, BRNDLS (The Brandals) akhirnya merilis album terbaru mereka DGNR8 dibawah label Sinjitos Records yang akan dirilis secara nasional pada bulan Mei 2011. Album ini sekaligus menandakan perubahan besar-besaran dari segi materi, sound dan image band rock n' roll asal Jakarta ini. Untuk menyambut rilisnya album ini, Sinjitos Records akan mengadakan pre-order album DGNR8 mulai dari tanggal 20 April sampai 6 Mei 2011.

Album DGNR8 berisikan 10 materi baru BRNDLS dengan warna yang segar dan revolusioner dan merupakan statement pendewasaan band yang telah berkiprah di blantika musik nasional selama 10 tahun. Sebagai bonus, DGNR8 juga menyertakan bonus DVD dokumenter mengenai perjalanan musik kelompok ini dan proses pembuatan album terbaru mereka.

Untuk informasi pre-order bisa didapatkan dengan mengirimkan alamat e-mail dan no telepon yang bisa dihubungi ke dan melalui Twitter (
melalui DM)

Harga: Rp 35.500 (belum termasuk ongkos kirim)


After four years in hiatus, BRNDLS (The Brandals) finally about to unleash their latest album "DGNR8"which will be released by SInjitos Records on May 2011. The new album will sign the new reincarnation of BRNDLS with fresh, edgier, yet more mature sounds and image

DGNR8 contains ten new songs that represents the band's maturity after spending a decade kicking asses and demolish stages in Indonesian music scene. As bonus, DGNR8 also features a documentary DVD that captured their band's ten-years history as well as the recording process of their latest album.

To celebrate the album's release, Sinjitos Records will open an opportunity for fans to pre-order this fantastic album, started from April 20 - May 6, 2011. To pre-order, just sent your e-mail address and contactable phone number to or through Twitter ( by DM)

Price: Rp 35,500 (not including postage and handling cost)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Do Believe The Hype: Bayu Risa 's Rise and Start Again Out Now!

Yes, Bayu Risa's debut album Rise and Start Again is finally in stores now. You may heard the internet buzz on this album. Missed the hype? Check out these following tweets:

@anugrahaditya Tahun 2010 ditutup dg album brilliant dr @bayurisa Rise and Start Again, this album is a must buy!!!

@KISFMJakarta: #nowplaying @bayurisa - Percaya. Definitely on the tracks of the year list. Great job!

@EQPuradiredja On my home listening to Bayu Risa album.. Its a fresh sound of indonesian music!! ;)

@pandji This album is amazing. Its beyond cool. Gue langsung ngefans..

Still not convinced? Buy it and judge it by yourself! Cheers.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Introducing: Roman Foot Soldiers

To continue supporting new fresh talents from Indonesian music scene, Sinjitos Records is now introducing one of the freshest band from Jakarta scene, Roman Foot Soldiers. Formed in Vancouver, Canada and took their name from their fascination over epic war movies, the sextet offered an eclectic variation of sounds with indie pop as its musical backbone. The results are a set of catchy, uplifting tunes that can be described as "refreshing just like a summer breeze". Although they are relatively unknown, songs written by Tim (vocals), Reza (bass), Gogor (guitar), Pria (guitar), Josh (keys) and Luky (drums) spoke by themselves and quickly drawn attention from anyone who were lucky enough to catch them. In a self-organized gig in Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta, Roman Foot Soldiers successfully awed the unsuspecting audiences with their repertoirs.

To further introduce the band to wider audience, Sinjitos Records launched a free single from Roman Foot Soldiers called "Streets Without Signs" that can be downloaded and distributed freely. The band will enter the studio to work on their debut album in 2011.

Links to download "Streets Without Signs":

Official FM

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

There Will Be Blood: Never Mind The Brandals, Here's BRNDLS

Sinjitos Records proudly present the new free, downloadable single "Start Bleeding!" from BRNDLS, the new incarnation of Jakarta's rock n' roll heroes The Brandals. The new moniker is not only signaled another new musical ventures from The Brandals but also marked the band's new lineup with PM (guitar) and Radit (bass) joining longtime members Tony (guitar) and the Annash brothers Eka (vocal) and Rully (drums). "Start Bleeding" will serve as a teaser for the upcoming BRNDLS album "DGNR8" , their first since 2007's "Brandalisme". The new album was produced by Joseph Saryuf and will be released by Sinjitos Records on January 2011.

Lyrically, "Start Bleeding!" is another example of the band's sharp social commentary. It documented the recent Indonesia's condition: a nation in tatters and suffering from the endless political turmoils and manipulations. The politicians' greedy and "blood-sucking" nature is the main inspiration behind "Start Bleeding!"'s gruesome and cynical lyrics. Musically, it is a departure from the trademark The Brandals' traditional rock n' roll sound to raunchier, more distorted yet fresher sound. The song's modern production and Eka's singing style will definitely surprise everyone. It need to be heard to believed.

"Start Bleeding" was released on the internet on Nov. 16th at 6 PM and received mainly positive feedbacks from fans and fellow musicians. It reached 1,000 downloads in less than 24 hours and the number keeps counting.

Links to download BRNDLS - Start Bleeding :

Official FM

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Introducing Bayu Risa (And Download "Love Song" Single For Free!)

Sinjitos Record is proudly present another great new artist in its roster, the dance music extraordinaire Bayu Risa. If you know him from his previous band PASTO, Bayu will pleasantly surprise you with his fresh new sound of hip-hop, funk, soul, and electro crossover.

Bayu Risa was born as Bayu Purwadi Risakotta in Depok, October 6, 1983. He was known as a member of Rn'B group PASTO. With them, Bayu released their debut album that was produced by Glenn Fredly under Rame-Rame People Records and distributed by RPM. Despite the band’s increasing fame, Bayu Risa decided to leave the band in 2008.

Shortly after leaving PASTO, in 2009 Bayu Risa released his first single “Inner Beauty” which he wrote himself. When producing his first single, Bayu Risa was helped by several friends, one of them is famous arranger David “Tities” Salanggamo that mixed and arranged the “Inner Beauty” single.

Currently, Bayu Risa is preparing his debut solo record under Sinjitos Records. The yet-to-be titled album will be released in October 2010. To give you a little taste of the album, we have picked “Love Song” as a downloadable single. Feel free to download it, distribute it, and tell your friends and foes about it. Spead the news!

Links to download "Love Song" by Bayu Risa

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Coming Soon

Who is this guy? You will find out about him soon.